Austrian Airlines is the official carrier of MRK2016 and offers reduced rates for flights to and from Vienna throughout the duration of the school.
The University of Vienna has pre-selected hotels in different categories as well as a student dormitory for the benefit of MRK2016 participants.
Two travel grants (400 € each) will be issued by EMU for young scientists (< 35, not yet hired) participating at the 2016 EMU school in Vienna. The selection will be made by the school organizers in due time. Applications should be sent to by the 30th of June 2016 and should include a CV with a publication list as well as a short motivation letter no longer than about half an A4 page.
SIMP has decided to support attendance (travel and accommodation) of two Italian students. A call for applications will be issued by SIMP in the near future.
If you have questions or require further information, please contact us via email at